Daily physical and mental stresses deplete our vital energy and take it out of the balance.

The less we are in balance, the more energy is expended. When unbalancing internal energy (Yin and Yang) shungite can effectively help.





To effectively support your own forces, you can use pairs of opposites with shungite.

Shungite personifies Yin (the Moon) and thus the female energy directed inward. For the outwardly directed male energy of Yan (Sun), we offer various minerals: seraphinite, charoite, greed and talc-chloride. These little assistants you can usefully use while on the road.







Vapors from shungite and talc-chloride have a rather effective effect on users, but in order for it to be optimal, an appropriate environment is necessary. The best place for this is a room for relaxation and relaxation.

During use, avoid passing through the body or in the immediate vicinity of the body of energy flows. So, do not wear jewelry and turn off the TV and phone.





When using pairs of opposites, it is necessary to wear shungite (for example, untreated stone, cylinder or a plate) as a source of Yin energy on the left side of the body. Talc chloride or another opposite mineral, as a source of energy Yan, is worn on the right side of the body.


It is not always possible to immediately feel the change, when everything again comes to equilibrium. By using the pairs of opposites regularly, you can balance your vital energy for a long time. Balancing is very important for the soul and is necessary for the body as a whole.